Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Just for the Record...

Texas based Bowling For Soup is scheduled to play the Lincoln Theatre [Raleigh, NC] tonight with opening acts Melee, Meg and Dia, and The Feds [no site available] not to be confused with Washington DC based The Fed, who will be performing their final 2006 acoustic set at Ellington's on Eighth [Washington DC] with Tiffany Der Wednesday, December 12, at 9pm.

On a similar note, Tim Cahill will not be performing at the DC showcase. In a statement blogged on myspace.com Tim wrote: "I thank everybody for there support and I'm sorry if anyone is disappointed I've decided to make a statement, I'm not playing anymore, in fact I'm donating most of my gear and selling the rest, I put my music in front the person that I loved, and she has moved on, and my statement is I'm sorry, and it's a mistake I will never make again, sorry to anybody, that actually liked my jams." There is currently no official word on who will take the open time slot.


Anonymous said...

please organize a fed/melee show asap

Anonymous said...

YIKES! i meant meg & dia.

100YearsOfTrash said...

picture and little article about meg and dia in the new rolling stone:


100YearsOfTrash said...

who the hell is bowling for soup?