Saturday, January 13, 2007


The lights come up. A man walks onto stage pushing a broom. He looks up. Looks around. Smacks the broom against the floor. He pushes some more... Another joins him, slowly a third, fourth, fifth - and on it goes until there are eight sweeping in sync, pushing and popping and smacking and scratching out quarter notes and eighth notes and it is all so very organic. And as they had come, so had they gone until there was only one man on stage pushing a broom. He looks up. Looks around. Smacks the broom on the floor. He pushes the broom some more. The lights go down.

A styrofoam cup of soda and a bottle of water... $5.50

Average Set Length
One Hour and a half set with no intermission


  • Drummers swinging from the rafters in unison beating the oddest assortment of street trash to create heart pounding unforgettable rhythms
  • Three seemingly voiceless artists who demonstrate their true skill by using paper and plastic bags to create a similar sensation
  • The beats... the movement... the choreography of the entire production woke me up this morning still wondering, How did they do that?
  • The seats weren't very comfortable


Sublimebabie said...

I really enjoy reading your blog. I believe it is the best of your writings to date. It is almost as if this is what you were born to do...

Kevin Brown said...

Wow! That really means a lot to me.

Thank you.

AmyWamy said...

I keep thinking about how they used those huge, blue water jugs to make music, and I keep coming to the same conclusion...I could never do that.

Kevin Brown said...

and then there was the basketball dance where all eight of them threw the balls up un the air and caught them exactly 1/16th of a note apart.

What? Is that possible?